The Bible and Me in 2020

At the start of 2020, for roughly the fifth year in a row, I made it a goal to systematically read through the entire Bible during the year. I've consistently started strongly, but fizzled out by the summer. Well, for the first time ever, I completed the plan in 2020, reading the entire Old Testament once and Psalms and the New Testament twice. I finally even made it through the challenging major prophets, whose symbolism and application are difficult to decipher, and whose reading completion took over a month each. Here is the plan I followed from the Gospel Coalition. It lists the Bible chapters for the day (usually four), had a short commentary on one of the chapters, and periodically had links to helpful articles. Having met this goal for the first time, it feels appropriate to offer a few personal thoughts in reflection. God/The Bible I did not learn a ton of new facts. I've studied the Bible for years on a personal level as well as an academic level as a significant p...