I didn't think this would be necessary to do when I composed my most recent blog, but I now feel strongly compelled to offer a few points of clarification regarding that post. The intention of that post was not to cast judgment or blame on anyone, to insult anyone, or to evoke pity. Unfortunately, not everyone interpreted it that way. I will now provide a quick follow-up in order to address ways that my words or intentions appear to have been misunderstood or misconstrued. My intention in writing that post was to share a very small bit of my story. I have had it in my mind for a while-primarily for my own private purposes-to write a memoir about my life. By nature, this means that there will be events retold that are happy, sad, traumatic, disappointing, triumphant, and joyful. The good and bad that have happened to me have made me who I am, and thus have their role in my story. This story will be written. The primary battle is going to be whether or not it becomes public. I...