Poor, White, and Brown: The Ugly Side

It's very ironic that the four years I spent in Frye's Mobile Home Park & Hog Farm-a trailer park typically being a clear symbol of first world poverty-were some of the most enjoyable years of my life. Outside of school, my siblings and I were rarely short of total freedom. There were always people around, so we could always find something to do, whether or not that entailed trouble. Also, in some strange way, though I was ashamed of my home, this was a time in my life when I feel as though my self-confidence peaked. It was during these years (8-12 years of age) that I realized that I was able to perform very well in school and in sports. I was one of the best students in my grade and was always one of the best players on my football and baseball teams. I also learned during this time that I had artistic abilities. I had a lot of friends. This was actually the only point in my life that girls wanted to be my girlfriend. I felt intelligent, athletic, talented, a...