
This week I picked up some dress shirts from the dry cleaners and was reminded why I go so infrequently even though I wear them every single day to work. Picking them up leads to my absolute least favorite chore I ever do: preparing the shirts to be hung back up in my closet. I have to remove the tags from each shirt. Then I have to button the cuff and placket (yes, I had to google this word) on each sleeve, then button all the front buttons and replace the stupid wire hanger with a real hanger. This is not really that big of a deal, but for some reason I HATE DOING IT! This is the reason why I wear my shirts twenty times before I take them to the dry cleaners (unless they get visibly dirty). This chore also prompted my idea for this blog. It doesn't take much reflection to realize that we are all a little weird. We have odd habits, mannerisms, and dispositions at times. I am no exception. In fact I am an exemplar of weirdness. So, I want to take a few minutes to itemize some...