White Privilege

This post does not represent policy endorsement or advocacy. This is a just reflection and apology that I feel compelled to express. Out of pride-or fear that it detracts from my accomplishments and abilities-I have silently denied the reality of White privilege. I have worked very hard my entire life and have had less favorable living conditions than most of my White peers. Despite this, I feel that I have been relatively successful in most things that I have done. This has made me want to deny White privilege. It threatens my ego because it suggests that I do have advantages that others don't, and I want to believe that my work ethic and determination alone-not any unmerited advantage-have gotten me to where I am. Maybe I'm speaking before thinking here, but I'm learning to look at White privilege in America differently than I'm instinctively disposed to thinking about it. Could it be that White privilege is less about White people, and more about non-Whi...