My Five

I made a statement to a friend today that my son seems to be developing a weakness that I have. Maybe he inherited it from me. What is this simple thing that fills me with excitement when I know it's within reach?

Chocolate milk.

I few minutes later I was having a 'desert island top five' moment in my mind? You know the classic question: If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have five things with you, what would you chose? I simplified it a little bit, and thought to myself, what are five things that I really love? I wasn't trying to think of the top five things that I can't live without. Rather, I just took a few minutes to think of five things that I really enjoy. Not as dire or pressured as the desert island scenario. Not necessarily my top  five. Just my five. It was kind of fun.

So here is the list that I came up with in a few minutes. All but one came in about thirty seconds, honestly. These are in no particular order.

Chocolate milk. I seriously love chocolate milk. I would drink it for every meal and between every meal if I had a sufficient supply of it. I'm literally never not in the mood for chocolate milk. If there is some in my fridge, I can't be unhappy about anything.

Baseball. I also love baseball. I love watching it. I love playing it. I love looking at box scores. I love keeping up with stats and standings. There is a camaraderie in baseball that is different than any other kind. It makes me so happy that this is truly America's past time.

Geography. Nerd alert. I consider myself a geography buff. I love geography. I love maps. I love learning about countries, regions, and cultures. I didn't really develop this passion until after college, but it's there now. I'm obsessed with Geography quizzes on Sporcle (please check out Sporcle if you don't know what it is!). I'm more excited about teaching my sons US states and capitals, then countries and capitals, than almost anything else. I think having a strong grasp on geography gives you an advantage in nearly any context.

Books. I like real books much more than ebooks,  but I'm not opposed to reading on screen. I try to read at least a little bit every day. I read history, theology, philosophy, religion, classic literature, and occasionally fantasy and other fiction. Reading keeps your mind sharp, and I think it's very important to always be learning.

Craft beer. I am not a beer snob, but I really don't like flavorless, watered-down light beer very much. I can drink it, but I never chose to if I have a choice. Beer is so much better with flavor and aroma and body and soul. Plus, North Carolina has so many great breweries to support!

++Honorable mention: Harry Potter, animals

So, there you have it. My five! This can be fun because it can tell you so much about people. So, I think it would be awesome if people responded with their own five! There are two ground rules:

     1) You can't spend more than three or four minutes thinking about answers.
     2) You can't list people or places as answers.

So go for it! Tell me your top five. No pressure. animals, gummy candy. If no one answers, oh well. You know mine!


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